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Business Writing Techniques

The Business Writing program gives participants a firm grasp of the principles of effective written communication. We have developed the program to allow participants the opportunity to apply these principles and receive instructor feedback on job‑related writing.

The focus of this course is on helping participants develop skills to ensure the created documents (a) communicate the message they intend and (b) can be understood easily by the reader. Emphasis will be placed on specific writing assignments.

The Techniques of Technical Writing

This program is designed to give any participant a foundation for writing scientific, engineering, and/or technical material. In many cases, non‑technical—as well as technical—personnel must communicate technical data. The course provides students with the opportunity to practice the coursework and to receive instructor feedback on job‑related writing. 

Program content focuses on a multi‑step approach to creating documents. One key feature of this course is to understand and be able to use four basic elements typically found in technical content. The course encourages the use of visual aids—such as tables, charts, and graphs—to enhance readability.

Sharpening Basic Writing Skills: An Update on Grammar and Punctuation

Sharpening Your Basic Writing Skills is designed to provide participants with an easy review of the basic mechanics of good writing. The focus of the program is on identifying and correcting the common problem areas. 

Additional emphasis is placed on the recent changes in business punctuation and on proofreading for errors.

Editing and Proofreading  

Proofreading and Editing provides participants with a quick and easy review of the basic mechanics of proofreading and editing. The program focuses on the skills necessary to identify and correct typographical errors. We place additional emphasis on finding and correcting basic grammar and spelling errors.

The program stresses organization and structure consistent with standard formats.

Writing E-Mail Messages With Impact

This workshop is designed for those who use e‑mail technology as part of their business communication. 

The number of e‑mail users and messages has grown drastically in the last several years; we expect continuing growth at a rapid pace. The use of e‑mail serves to overcome (a) the problems associated with the delivery of snail mail and (b) the frustrations from playing “telephone tag.” However, some writers forget e‑mail is just as important as regular correspondence. 

This workshop focuses on the strategies for writing e‑mail messages with impact. It will also help ensure e‑mail messages create a professional image for the organization, as well as the individual.

Winning Web Writing

This course provides techniques to assist those who maintain Internet and intranet Web pages. In addition, many times non-technical personnel end up writing copy for external or internal consumption in an electronic format for an organization.

Writing on the Web is different than communicating in any usual print form. Good Web writing uses most of the standard rules of good writing, but some guidelines are not the same. This course will develop skills to ensure a Web site will reach out to the audience and be effective.
